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Aquatic Plants Available for Wholesale Purchase & Nationwide Delivery

Hardy Bog / Marginal Plants

Botanical Name / Common Name

Acorus calamus / Sweet Flag
Acorus calamus variegatus / Variegated Sweet Flag
Acorus gramineus / Dwarf Japanese Sweet Flag
Acorus gram. 'Ogon' / Ogon Dwarf Sweet Flag
Acorus gram. 'Variegatus' / Variegated Dwarf Sweet Flag
Acorus gram 'Yodonoyoki' / Yodonoyoki Dwarf Sweet Flag
Acorus 'Minimus' / Miniature Golden Sweet Flag
Alisma plantago-aquatica / Water Plantain
Asclepias incarnata / Swamp Milkweed
Baumea rubiginosa var / Striped Rush
Butomus umbellata / Flowering Rush
Caltha palustris / Marsh Marigold
Carex aquatilis / Large Gray Sedge
Carex nigra / Dwarf Gray Sedge
Chelone lyonii / Turtlehead
Chelone obliqua alba / White Turtlehead
Dulichium arundinaceum / Dwarf Water Bamboo
Dulichium variegata 'Tigress" Var. / Dwarf Water Bamboo
Eleocharis montevidensis / Spike Rush
Eleocharis tuberosa / Water Chestnut
Equisetum hymale / Horsetail Rush
Equisetum scirpoides / Dwarf Horsetail Rush
Eriophorum angustifolium / Cottongrass
Eupatorium fistulosum / Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium purpureum / Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Gratiola officianalis / Hyssop
Hibiscus acetosella / African Rose Mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos / Marsh Mallow
Hibiscus 'Lady Baltimore' / Lady Baltimore Hibiscus
Houttynia 'Chameleon' / Chameleon Plant
Hydrocotyle umbellata / Small Pennywort
Hydrocotyle vulgaris / Giant Pennywort
Iris laevigata Blue
Iris laevigata 'Mottled Beauty / Mottled Beauty Blue
Iris laevigata 'Snowdrift' / Snowdrift White
Iris laevigata 'Rose Queen' / Rose Queen Rose
Iris louis. 'Acadian Miss' / Acadian Miss White
Iris louis. 'Alabaster Moon' / Alabaster Moon White
Iris louis. 'Black Gamecock' / Black Gamecock Purple
Iris louis. 'Clyde Redmond' / Clyde Redmond Purple
Iris louis. 'Count Pulaski' / Count Pulaski Copper/Or
Iris louis. 'Exquisite Miss' / Exquisite Miss Pink
Iris louisianna 'Her Highness' / Her Highness White
Iris louis. 'Katherine Cornay' / Katherine Cornay Lavender
Iris louisianna 'Marie Calliet' / Marie Calliet Blue/Vio
Iris louisianna 'Sea Pearl' / Sea Pearl Blue
Iris psuedacorus / Yellow Flag Yellow
Iris versicolor / Blue Flag Blue
Iris virginica ' Purple Fan' / Purple Fan Blue
Juncus effusus / Common Rush
Juncus effusus 'Blue Medusa' / Blue Medusa Corkscrew Rush
Juncus effusus spiralis / Corkscrew Rush
Juncus glaucus / Blue Rush
Justica americana / Water Willow
Leucojum aestivum / Summer Snowflake
Lobelia cardinalis / Cardinal Flower
L. fulgens 'Queen Victoria' / Queen Victoria
Lobelia siphilitica / Blue Cardinal Flower
Ludwigia palustris / Yellow Primrose Creeper
L. nummularia aurea / Gold Creeping Jenny
Marsilea drummondi / Four-Leaf Water Clover
Marsilea quadrifolia / Upright Water Clover
Marsilea schelpiana / Cutleaf Water Clover
Marsilea mutica / Floating-Leaf Water Clover
Mentha aquatica / Water Mint
Mentha aquatica 'Crispa' / Curly Mint
Mentha citrata / Citrus Mint
Menyanthes trifoliata / Bogbean
Mimulus luteus / Golden Monkey Flower
Mimulus ringens / Monkey Flower
Myosotis palustris / Water-Forget-Me-Not
Myriophyllum aquatica / Parrot's Feather
Oeneanthe jav. 'Flamingo' / Variegated Water Celery
Orontium aquaticum / Golden Club
Peltandra virginica / Water Arum
Phalaris arundinacea 'Picta' / Ribbon Grass
Phal. ' / Strawberry & Cream Ribbon Grass
Phragmites australis variegatus / Variegated Spire Reed
Pontederia cordata / Pickerel Rush
Pont. cordata 'Lavender Pink' / Pink Pickerel Rush
Pontederia dilatata Royal / Purple Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordata var. alba / White Pickerel Rush
Ranunculus flammula / Spearwort Buttercup
Ranunculus linqua aquatica / Spearwort
Ruellia squarossa / Virginia Bluebells
Rumex sanguineus / Bloody Dock
Sagittaria latifolia / Arrowhead (Duck Potato)
Saururus cernuus / Lizard's Tail
Saururus cernuus var. / Red Stem Lizard's Tail
Saururus chinensis / Chinese Lizard's Tail
Scirpus validus / Bulrush
S. lacustris 'Albescens' / White Rush
S.tabernaemontani zebrinus / Zebra Rush
Senecio aureus / Golden Ragwort
Sisyrinchium angustifolium / Blue Eyed Grass
Solidago sempervirens / Seaside Goldenrod
Stachy's palustris / Marsh Betony
Thalia dealbata / Hardy Water Canna
Tradescantia 'Innocence' / Spiderwort
Tradescantia 'J.C. Weigland' / Spiderwort
Tradescantia 'Red Cloud' / Spiderwort
Tulbaghia violacea "Variegata' / Variegated Water Garlic
Typha angustifolia / Narrowleaf Cattail
Typha latifolia / Cattail
Typha laxmanni / Graceful Cattail
Typha minima / Dwarf Cattail

Hardy Bog / Marginal Plants

Botanical Name / Common Name

Bacopa caroliniana / Lemon Bacopa
Bacopa lenagera / Variegated Bacopa
Bacopa monniera / Bacopa
Canna 'Black Knight' / Black Knight
Canna hybrid 'Endeavor' / Endeavor
Canna hybrid 'Erebus' / Erebus
Canna hybrid 'Orange/Yellow' / Orange / Yellow
Canna hybrid 'Ra' / Ra
Canna hybrid 'Red Stem' / Red Stemmed Canna
Canna hybrid 'Tanny' / Tanny
Canna 'Pretoria' / Petoria
Canna 'Striped Beauty' / Striped Beauty
Colocasia esculenta / Green Taro
Colocasia esc. 'Black Magic' / Black Magic Taro
Colocasia esc. 'Fontanasii' / Violet Stem Taro
Colocasia esc. 'Illustris' / Imperial Taro
Colocasia esc. 'Mojito' / Mojito
Colocasia esc. 'Painted Black' / Painted Black
Crinum americanum / Bog Lily
Crinum 'Kam' / Yellow Bog Lily
Crinum menehune / Red Bog Lily
C. procerum 'Splendens Red' / Burgundy Bog Lily
Cyperus albostriatus / Variegated Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alternifolius / Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alt. 'Gracilus' Graceful / Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alt. 'Nana' / Dwarf Umbrella Palm
Cyperus haspens / Dwarf Papyrus
Cyperus papyrus / Giant Papyrus
Cyperus papyrus percamentus / Dwarf Egyptian Papyrus
Dichromena colorata / Star Grass
Hygrophila difformis / Water Wisteria
Hydrocotyle 'Crystal Confetti' / Variegated Pennywort
Hymenocallis variegatus / Variegated Spider Lily
Ludwigia palustris 'Alba' / White Primrose Creeper
Ludwigia setoides / Water Mosaic
Lysimachia procumbens 'Burgundy Outback' / Burgundy Loosestrife
Neptunia aquatica / Mini Sensitive Fern
Ruellia brittoniana / Chi Chi
Ruellia brittoniana 'Alba' / White Bells
Sagittaria montevidensis / Aztec Arrowhead
Tulbaghia fragrans / Society Garlic
Tulbaghia simmieri / Giant Society Garlic
Wedelia trilobata / Water Zinnia
Zephyranthes candida / Rain Lily
Zephyranthes grandiflora 'Pink' / Pink Rain Lily
Zephyranthes grandiflora 'Yellow' / Yellow Rain Lily

Hardy Water Lilies

Plant Name / Color


Attraction / Garnet
Burgundy Princess / Deep red
Conqueror / Crimson
Ellisiana / Dark red
Gloriosa / Carmine-rose
James Brydon
Liou / Deep red
Red Spider
Rene Gerard
Sultan / Cherry red


Gladstone / Large white
Hermine / Ivory white
Marliac Albida / Medium white
Paeslingburg / Large white
Queen of Whites / White
Walter Pagels / White


Charlene Strawn / Yellow
Helvola / Small yellow
Joey Tomicik / Bright yellow
Odorata sulphurea / Yellow
Sunrise Large. / Bright yellow
Texas Dawn / Yellow


Hollandia / Double flowering pink
Marliac Carnea / Pale pink
Masaniello / Rose
Mayla / Hot pink
Mdm. Wilfron Gonnere
Pink Opal
Princess Elizabeth


Commanche / Yellow to apricot
Paul Harriot
Sioux / Yellow to copper/red

Floating Leaf Aquatics

Botanical Name / Common Name

Aponogeton distachyus / Water Hawthorne
Hydrocleys nymphoides / Water Poppy
Nymphoides crenata / Fringed Yellow Snowflake
Nymphoides cristatum / White Snowflake
Nymphoides geminata / Yellow Snowflake
Nymphoides peltata / Floating Heart

Oxygenating Plants

Botanical Name / Common Name

Ceratophyllum demersum / Hornwort/Coontail
Elodea canadensis / Elodea (Anacharis)
Myriophyllum / Foxtail

Floating Aquatic Plants

Botanical Name / Common Name

Eichornia crassipes / Water Hyacinth
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae / European Frogbit
Pistia stratoides / Water Lettuce

Lotus (Nelumbo)

Plant Name / Color

N. nucifera album grandiflorum (Asiatic) / White
N. nucifera 'Angel Wings' / White. Tulip shape flowers
N. nucifera 'Baby Doll' / Dwarf white
N. nucifera 'Chawan Basu' / White with pink edges
N. nucifera 'Empress' / Showy white flowers with pink edges
N. nucifera 'Goliath' / Double flower. White with pink tips
N. nucifera 'Momo Batan' / Rose. Small lotus
N. nucifera 'Mrs. Perry D. Slocum' / Deep pink
N. nucifera 'Perry's Giant Sunburst' / Large creamy yellow
N. nucifera 'Pink Angel' / Small pink
N. nucifera 'Roseum Plenum' / Pink. Double flowers
N. nucifera 'Rubrum' / Deep rose. Large
N. nucifera 'Shirokunshi' (Tulip) / Cream. Tulip shaped flowers
N. nucifera 'Shiroman' / Cream. Double flowers
N. nucifera 'Speciosum' / Large pink
N. nucifera 'Super Star' / Double flower
N. nucifera 'Pentapetala' (Native) / Yellow. Native American Lotus

*Other species or sizes may be available or contract grown

*Local and Nationwide Shipping can be done UPS, FED EX, or delivery by our trucks

*Quantity discounts available

These aquatic plants are great for residential or commercial ponds or water features and wetland restoration projects. Wholesale pricing for nurseries, garden centers and landcape contractors is available on our Wholesale page.